Tuesday afternoon, Lafayette Mayor-President Josh Guillory was contacted by Dr. Tina Stefanski and was notified that he had close contact – within six feet – for more than 15 minutes with someone who tested positive for COVID-19. Guillory promptly began self-isolation after Dr. Stefanski gave him guidance. Her medical advice is that Guillory is to remain in quarantine until Saturday, January 16 at minimum, with two negative tests, 48 hours apart. While in quarantine, Mayor-President Guillory continues to remotely conduct the daily duties of the office, remaining in communication with other elected officials and providing direction to department heads.
Mayor-President Guillory has had no symptoms and an initial COVID-19 test administered Tuesday night was negative. Guillory will be tested again prior to returning to City-Parish Hall. Contrary to misinformation circulating on social media, Mayor-President Guillory had no knowledge of his exposure until the notification from Dr. Stefanski.
A member of the local media was seated next to Mayor-President Guillory at the swearing-in ceremony for the Lafayette City Marshal last Friday. Earlier in the week, that individual was in direct contact with someone who tested positive and was directed to follow CDC guidelines for isolation. Shortly after the event, a second COVID-19 test for the same individual was positive. Mayor-President Guillory was not notified of his potential exposure until Dr. Stefanski contacted him Tuesday afternoon.
Citizens should follow the advice of their medical providers, follow CDC guidelines, continue to social distance and wear masks when indoors and social distancing is not possible.