A new school year is upon us. That means school zones will once again be in effect. The Lafayette police department has announced they’ll be stepping up patrols in school zones. They’ll be looking for speeders, and violators who pass stopped school buses. Passing a stopped school bus is not only illegal. It’s dangerous.
Public Information Officer Robin Green says drivers become lax during the summer months, and awareness needs to be raised, adding drivers need to be especially alert at the beginning & end of the school day.
Stopping for School Busses when Red Lights are Flashing
⦁ Two lanes: Vehicles in both directions are required to stop.
⦁ Three lanes (with center turning lane): When the road has a center turning lane with one travel lane on each side, vehicles traveling in each direction are required to stop.
⦁ Four lanes (no center turning lane): Vehicles traveling in each direction are required to stop.
⦁ Divided Roadway (with median): When the roadway has a grass median or other physical barrier, only traffic moving in the same direction as the bus is required to stop.
Divided Roadway (two travel lanes with center turning lane): When the road has a center turning lane with two travel lanes on each side, only traffic moving in the same direction as the bus is required to stop.
Source: LCG