
Gofundme For Slain Carencro Teen

No parent wants to experience the grief of losing a child. We aren’t supposed to outlive our children. Eighteen year old Jaylin Joiner was shot to death while getting off a school bus on Friday,…

FCC Outlaws AI Generated Robocalls

Robocalls are, at best, annoying.  At worst they’re literally downright criminal. Thanks to a new ruling by the Federal Communications Commission, robocalls gnerated by AI, or containing AI generated content are now illegal.  Individuals now…

Are Crane Flies Taking Over The Earth?

No, Crane flies aren’t taking over, although it may seem like it. The annoying little insects are all over the place. They look like giant mosquitoes, but they’re not. Flying insects are reproducing at a…

Online Job Fair Set For February 28th

Job seekers will have the opportunity to connect online with eight Louisiana companies offering a variety of jobs. The event is scheduled for Wednesday, February 28th, from 11 – 2. Potential applicants can register in…