
Life in 2-D Space

By Blanc Berard Life exists within a 3d space, also called the 3rd dimension. In this plane, there is length, width, and depth. Imagine how our world would appear if somehow humans transitioned down to the…

The World’s Deadliest Animal

By: Blanc Berard What do you think of when you hear about the world’s deadliest animal? A tiger? A lion? Maybe a really aggressive squirrel? The answer is actually a creature we know all too…

Sandbag Locations in Acadiana

Here is a list of the locations in Lafayette and surrounding areas that are offering sandbags. Keep in mind the sandbags are self-bagging. SANDBAG LOCATIONS: North District site at 400 Dugas Road (located off North…

Don’t Worry About Asteroids

By Blanc Berard Are you worried about asteroids ending the world? Don’t be, NASA’s got us covered. Within NASA there is an organization called the Planetary Defense Coordination Office that is trying to keep track…

Beware Rental Scams

Moving is stressful enough without someone conning you out of your money. The Better Business Bureau warns of a scam in which potential “landlords” con prospective renters. It works something like this. The renter answers…