The Tour des Atakapas is the official run and duathlon of Festivals Acadiens et Creoles and also is the third Race of the Cajun Trinity Races. But because of the pandemic, the Tour des Atakapas will be held virtually. The Festival Acadien et Creoles is also going to be virtual.
Your participation is still needed!! You can run anywhere in the world or use one of the suggested routes. Either sign up for the 5k, 10k, or half marathon. There is also the Duathlon option that includes a 5k run, and a 2-mile paddle.
The Tour des Atakapas is the third race in the Cajun Trinity Races. The first is the TRI Adventure Challenge and the second is the Sugrman Triathlon and Duathlon event. Participation in all three gets you a Cajun Trinity Medal.
This event supports the nonprofit group TRAIL. The money raised in this event is invested back into the community and used to create parks and recreation facilities.
Register now at latrail.org.
All participants will receive a t-shirt and gift certificates to Cafe 20.3 and Tante Marie Restaurant. Packet pick up is set for Friday, October 9th from 10 am until 6 pm at Geaux Run, 906 Harding Street, Lafayette, Louisiana.
Source: latrail.org